"To "listen" another's soul into a condition of disclosure and discovery may be almost the greatest service that any human being ever performs for another." Douglas Steere
"Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable." David Augsburger
"What people need most is a good listening to." Mary Lou Casey
"Listening is the oldest and perhaps most powerful tool of healing. It is often through the quality of our listening and the wisdom of our words that we are able to effect the most profound changes in the people around us." Rachel Naomi Remen
I received my Spiritual Direction training from The Haden Institute and I am a member of Spiritual Directors International. Spiritual Direction is also known as spiritual companionship, spiritual accompaniment or spiritual guidance. Spiritual direction is a time and space set aside to tend to one's soul. In a confidential, one-on-one session, you will be encouraged to deeply reflect on and explore your spiritual life and your relationship with (Life, Spirit, God, Creator, The Divine, The Holy, Grace ) or whatever your label is for that which brings you meaning, purpose and peace. A variety of reasons may bring you to Spiritual Direction including but not exclusive to curiosity, a major life transition, personal challenges, spiritual questions, a desire to have a companion on your journey, a desire to deepen your spiritual life and practices, grief and loss, a desire to discover your true self or a need for balance. The process of spiritual direction is healing, revealing and grace-filled. I have been in some form of Spiritual Direction since 2008 and am grateful for the gentle witnessing and the gifts of insight I have received.
Spiritual Direction is appropriate for those of all spiritual paths and faith traditions. Including those who consider themselves spiritual but not religious, spiritually eclectic, atheist, agnostic or secular-humanist.
A note on Dream Work: In both my Seminary and Spiritual Direction training, I was taught methods of working with night-time dreams as a source of guidance and wisdom. I am also certified in the Dream Tending method taught by Dr. Stephen Aizenstat, PhD. Please bring your meaningful or troubling dreams to Spiritual Direction sessions. Please see my Dream Tending page.
A note on Sandplay: I am currently in the process of becoming a Sandplay Practitioner. Sandplay will be available for Spiritual Direction Sessions. Please see my Sandplay page for a video and description of Sandplay.
A Note on Creative Depth Coaching: Working with simple art making processes can be a potent source of spiritual insight. I may incorporate some creative coaching tools into Spiritual Direction sessions as guided. Please see my Creative Depth Coaching page.
Spiritual Direction Sessions are Scheduled for 60-75 minutes. I offer Sliding Scale Rates and Pro Bono as needed.
Please Inquire for your complimentary first session.
Quiet and Still- An original poem by Kathie McCutcheon ©2015
Perhaps if we sat quiet and still for a long while,
we would begin to weep for time lost to what matters not.
Perhaps if we sat quiet and still for a long while,
we would begin to weep for harm done to ourselves and others.
Perhaps if we sat quiet and still for a long while,
we would begin to weep in joy and sorrow for all that has been and all that is yet to come.
Perhaps if we sat quiet and still for a long while,
we would begin to hear the whisper of our soul...